
Show Notes

Joining us this week is the incredible Keith Glines, host of The Overlap Podcast. Together, we talk about the intriguing world of blended families and explore the delicate art of understanding our role in this unique dynamic.

Keith opens up about his personal journey with his bonus kid and to win her over when they first met. He also shares his insightful process of finding his place within this evolving relationship. It's a heartfelt discussion that sheds light on the beautiful nuances of building harmony in a blended household.

But that's not all – Austin, one of our hosts, brings a relatable twist to the conversation by sharing a candid moment of his own. Brace yourselves for the tale of a tantrum he threw with his bonus kid, leading to some unexpected consequences. It's a story that many of us can relate to, reminding us that parenting, in any form, comes with its share of surprises.

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